z/OS Systems Programming IntroductionCourse: SPI
Duration: 4 Days
Level: I
Topics Covered In This Course
Introduction to the Role of Systems ProgrammingIdentifying the tasks of a system programmer with special emphasis on tailoring of the system The IPL Process and Associated ParametersParmlib members covered:• LOADxx• NUCLSTxx• IEASYSxx• COMMNDxx• IEACMD00• CONSOLxxIMSI with suggestions for useLogical parmlibCSA and SQA• Use and sizePaging• How many page data sets• Placing and sizing page data setsConsole set upCommands include:• D IPLINFO• D U,IPLVOL• D SYMBOLS• D PARMLIB• D ASMPrograms and Virtual Storage layoutParmlib members covered for general programs:• MSTJCLxx• PROGxx (LNKLSTxx IEAAPFxx)• IEAFIXxx• IEALPAxx• LPALSTxx• IEASVCxx• IFAPRDxxCommands for dynamic changes• SETPROG• SET PROGParmlib members covered for special programs and subsystems:• IEFSSNxx• SCHEDxxJES2Locating the JESPARM dataReviewing the JESPARM data, especially:• SPOOL and Checkpoint data set size, number and location • BUFSIZE, TGSIZE and TRKCELLJES2 display commands, including variations of:• $D SPLJES2 commands for reconfiguring the checkpoint data setuse of CF for checkpointSysplex ConsiderationsSYSPLEX, overview• PolicyParmlib members covered for SYSPLEX:• COUPLExxSystem symbols and filtering within LOADxx• IEASYMxx• D SYMBOLSParmlib members covered for GRS:• IEASYSxx GRS• GRSCNFxx• GRSRNLxxData in MemoryUse of Coupling FacilityUse of Virtual StorageParmlib members covered for LLA and VLF:• CSVLLAxx• COFVLFxxSMF and GTFOverview of SMF• Description of important SMF record types• The SMF HeaderParmlib members covered for SMF:• SMFPRMxxParmlib members covered for GTF:• GTFPARMGeneral System Recovery, Diagnostic Facilities and SMP/ERecovery flow• system recovery• task recoveryUser dumps, system dumps, DAE• ADYSETxx• User dump tailoring• System Dump Data SetsSMP/E overviewDevices and Related ParametersParmlib members covered:• VATLSTxx• CONFIGxx• IECIOSxx• ALLOCxx• DEVSUPxx• IGDSMSxxDevice information and HCD• PAV• The role of the Workload Manager in PAVConfiguration and device display commands• D M• D CONFIG=xxChannels: ESCON, FICON CF links and OSAComparison of channel typesTerminology – ESCON/FICONCabling rules –cascading configurationsESCON DirectorsHCD and ESCON/FICONESCON managerOSA connectionsWhat You Can Expect
On completion of the course delegates will be able to understand the role of systems programmers, and be familiar with the technical set-up of z/OS systems. They will be able to understand the basic tailoring to the system at IPL time and be able to establish from PARMLIB, HCD or via operator commands, the configuration of the system. Who Should Take This Course
This course is for new systems programmers, storage administrators, hardware planners and senior operations staff responsible for planning and controlling the configuration of z/OS systems. Recommended Prerequisites
Persons attending this course should be familiar with z/OS and TSO. This knowledge can be obtained from our z/OS Concepts and TSO/ISPF Workshop courses. Related Courses
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