Building Your Team's Skills for Business Intelligence Projects
Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing are high priority functions that continue to expand in many organizations. The technologies touch many job roles including Executives, Business Analysts, Data Analysts, Knowledge Workers, Project Leaders, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Testers, Programmers, DBAs, and System Administrators. Verhoef has developed and delivered courses to address all of these areas. Our intention is to leverage your investment in these technologies for fast utilization with accurate results.
Regardless of the technology you're going to be using on your project, this sequence of courses is recommended to get your team started and to give your key team members an in-depth understanding of what makes Business Intelligence projects different from other data-oriented projects:
Data Warehouse Concepts
Agile For Data Warehouse Projects
Testing Considerations For Data Warehouse Projects
Dimensional Modeling
TOAD for Data Analysts
After that, if your solution is going to be based on Microsoft's server technologies, this sequence of courses is suggested to give your team specific information and practice in most effectively applying those tools for implementing Business Intelligence projects:
SQL Server Integration Services
SQL Server Analysis Service With MDX
SQL Server Reporting Services
SharePoint 2010 Business Intelligence
SQL Server Perf. and Tuning for Data Warehouses
Or, if you're planning to use Oracle technologies, we recommend the following sequence of courses to get your team up to speed in effectively using Oracle's Data Warehouse tools and OBIEE platform for Business Intelligence projects: